Bridal Baby Brouhaha: Disturbing Image Seen Around the World

June 4, 2014

By Laura Brauer

In the words of Missy Mwac, “I wasn’t going to make a post about this, and then I did.”


I rarely weigh in on “things gone viral” on the Internet, but as someone who has covered the wedding photography industry in-depth for over a decade, written a book on the genre and basically seen every type of wedding image there is, I just have to say that this one, of a bride in Tennessee dragging her baby down the aisle (tied to the back of her wedding dress) truly stumps me. It’s one of those “what were they thinking?” jaw-dropping moments that I just can’t stop thinking about—and not in a good way. It’s now also an image and act preserved for the rest of their lives that can never be taken back.

So what do you all think? From a photographic standpoint, if your client asked you to photograph an image of her dragging her baby in the back of her bridal gown’s train, would you think: “Okay, just another shot list request from a Bridezilla” or would you call the authorities?! I think that well beyond this image having true shock value, there are issues here that arise for photographers in general who are asked to capture images they are uncomfortable with. Not clear on the origins of this image in terms of who shot it or why it was made public if it was taken from the bride’s camp, but regardless, this one is definitely a shocker!

Care to weigh in? Let’s here your thoughts in the comments section.

Via Missy Mwac and Buzzfeed.